Saturday 26 February 2011

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Naming Our Trailer

Giving our horror trailer a title reqiured serious contemplation because a title is supposed to capture the concept. Initially we planned to name our trailer the "supernatural" but this title did not epitomize the events in our trailer. Hence we came to a consensus that we should name our trailer the summoning, the summoning is a connotation for the events which are yet to unfold and is based on the ideology that the devil would come of the Ouija board and capture his servants (the teenagers) moreover, a title is meant to depict genre so it was essential to extract a trailer which has a negative connotation. We thought that our title should be short and straight to the point because to make it more appealing to our target audience of horror consumers.

Blair Witch Project Trailer (handheld)

The blair Witch Project is smiliar to our our trailer as a group of teenagers perform and immoral act in which they get punished, they have also used handheld shots to gain put the audience in the shoes of the characters in the trailer, this was effective to grant us insight inot some of the handheld techniques such as dropping the camera and then illustrating a run scene for the final girl sequence.

Friday 18 February 2011

Paranormal Activity (handheld)

Our trailer would have handheld shots, hence to get a better concept and understanding of horror, it was imperative to look at previous handheld films to gain expirence and ideas on the potential handheld scenes which would be incoporated into our trailer.

Final Sound Choice

After much deliberation we concluded that it would be best to create our own music, as most of my inital sound choices dont seem to fit into the trailer consequently, Korrina informed a music artisit who was able to generate the music of our trailer which would fit into the sequences perfectly and hence supplement suspense, this was essential because our trailer has not used dialogue which means that the trailers music needed to highlight the mood of key scenes especially the period of equlibrium and disequlibrium.